In the project, Plastone develops the use of factory side streams for new products. There is already a recycling system for packaging plastics in Finland, but not for technical plastics. The challenge of recycling technical plastics is the countless different variations.
It is very difficult to mechanically recycle plastic parts returning from the use, because it is impossible to tell what plastic it is exactly. Even if the quality is marked, there are also countless variations that affect the processing of the plastic. Therefore, chemical recycling, i.e. returning plastic to its elements, is the only reasonable option. This is expensive and loses the fine properties of technical plastics, so it is not economically viable.
Plastone’s goal is to collect production side streams from manufacturers in the surrounding area, of which we know exactly what raw material they are, and to collect sufficient volumes from them for mechanical recycling. In mechanical recycling, the plastic product is ground into small pieces and melted again, and new products are made directly from it. For this purpose, the project also develops a new product or products suitable for such recycled materials, which will be delivered to the market through partners or group companies.